One was a girl, one was a boy
Each one was the other's toy
Both of them were rather coy
One was incapable of joy
One was poor and one was rich
One was a ring-tailed son of a bitch
One had shoes and one had feet
One had a heart that couldn't be beat
One of them drank and one was merry
One of them swallowed a dictionary
One of them had a leather hide
One of them was pink inside
One could quote you Wittgenstein
One of them wept for auld lang syne
One of them fell down in a fit
One gave head that wouldn't quit
One ran rings around the other
One of them never kissed his mother
One of them invented zero
One of them was a fucking hero
Either of them made a quorum
Both ate what was set before 'em
One of them often missed his mark
One of them passed her life in the dark
One was young and the other was old
One of them bought what the other one sold
One of them ate what the other one shot
One is dead and the other's not.
1987 - 10/6/2001